Vladislav Yeliseyev 3-Day Watercolor Workshop
Dates: September 12 - September 14 2018
You will learn Vlad’s 3 stages and 3 colors approach which are the core of his DVD "Impressions in Watercolor". This workshop will concentrate on watercolor application techniques, brush strokes, light distribution, and the importance of composition and values as part of the creative process. Basic rules of composition such as dynamics, movement, focal points, etc. will be discussed.
You will be painting the variety of subjects from seascapes to cityscapes, practice values by using monochromatic painting technique, studying color and creating finished paintings from small postcard size to half sheet. Photo references will be provided by the instructor. Vlad will share with you his unique method of mixing watercolors. The goal of this method is to simplify and give the students clarity in understanding color and its implementation. The workshop will start with lecture and demonstration and follow with one-on-one instructions.
Vladislav Yeliseyev yeliseyevfineart.com A Russian émigré, Vlad came to the US in the 80's. He was classically trained as an architect. He's a renowned watercolor & plein air artist.. He has won numerous prestigious awards throughout the world.

Supply List:
Graphite pencils 2B, 4B; eraser; pencil sharpener.
Mechanical pencils 0.7 leads HB and 2B
Watercolor paints - recommended colors: cad yellow, yellow ochre light, gold ochre, burnt sienna, burnt umber, van dyke brown, sepia, indigo, ultramarine, cobalt blue, cerulean blue, cobalt turquoise, dioxazine violet, alizarin crimson, cadmium red. Right now my palette consist of mix of Holbein, Daniel Smith, Lucas and Schmincke watercolors.
Watercolor paper half sheet, or block approx. Size 15” x 20”. I recommend Arches 90lb, 140lb or 300lb ROUGH– important!!!
Brushes of your choice. I suggest having at least three sizes: No 8, 12, and 14. I am using round Escoda Kolinsky No14, Escoda Perla No 10, 12, 14; ; sword liner brush – large. SWORD brush is available at the workshop at the retail price.
Water and water containers.
Spray bottle - small with fine mist.
Artist’s tape or masking tape.
Drawing board or “plexi-glass” sized slightly bigger than your watercolor paper (if you are using watercolor paper in sheets)
Paint palette 10” x 12” or bigger with at least three separate flat mixing areas.
Paper towels and trash bag.
Sketch book or pad approx. size 9”x 12”