RIWS 2016 NYC Bus Trip to the AWS Show at the Salmagundi Club!
Saturday, April 9th, 2016
Members: $45 Non-Members: $60
Two Pick Up Locations:
Pick Up 1: 6:30 am Cardi's - 999 Newport Ave S. Attleboro, MA 02703. The bus will arrive at the lot at 6:15 am and we will leave from Cardi’s Furniture store parking lot at 6:30 am, sharp. You may park your car at this location for the day.
To get to the Cardi's location: Take Exit 2B o I-95, visit
www.cardis.com for detailed map. Pull into the lot and go right, to park in the lower lot.
Pick Up 2: Rt. 117 Park & Lock - Warwick, RI
The bus will be leaving the Cardi’s Furniture store parking lot at 6:30 am, sharp. It will then drive down to the Rt 117 Park & Ride to pick up the next group. You need to be ready to leave when the bus arrives. You can park your car at this location for the day.
To get to the Warwick location:
From I-95 South- Take exit 10A. At end of exit, you will soon pass under 95 and immediately on the right is the Park and Lock.
From I-95 North- You will get off at exit 10. At end of exit, go left onto 117 to next light. Make a U turn, go under 95 and it will be on your right.
Once in New York City, the bus will be making two stops, and you may choose where you would like to get off the bus.
Stop 1 in NYC: 5th Ave and 82nd Street (near the Metropolitan Museum of Art). The Guggenheim, Whitney, Nueue Museum and Central Park are all in this general area. You will be left at this stop and will need to make your way downtown to the AWS show. You can hail a cab or take a subway. Subway maps will be provided. The AWS show is open from 1 - 5 PM and is located at 47 Fifth Ave in the Salmagundi Club.
Stop 2 in NYC: Downtown...Greenwich Village, Soho, Canal St., NYU area, close to the AWS show.
The AWS show is open from 1 - 5 PM and is located at 47 Fifth Ave in the Salmagundi Club, about 2 or 3 blocks north of Washington Square Park. You will be left at this stop and will need to make your way uptown if you wish to see other art exhibits in the city. You can hail a cab or take a subway. Subway maps will be provided.
NYC Pick Up (Going back to RI/MA):
At 6:30 pm sharp, Location TBA.
We should arrive back in RI at the Park and Lock about 10:30 PM, and will arrive at Cardi’s Furniture in So. Attleboro, MA btwn 11-11:15pm.